itp and me [medical blog]


  1. immune thrombocytopenia purpura
  2. a website for patients with itp  


  1. the way in which a patient with itp distinguishes themselves from their illness

history & origin

[from Medieval Latin immune + thrombosis + purpura meaning purple colour]

Meg is the Founder and Editor of ITP and Me dot com is a project that emerged to fill the great hole online where there was no information for people with itp about how their lives may be effected by the disorder.  As itp and me grew, it became very obvious that people where looking for real information about how to manage their itp on a daily level – how does it feel, how do other people with itp sleep?


  •  One stop itp shop, where all the books written about itp and related topics can be found.
  • reviews of alternative and complimentary treatments.
  • focus on diet and life style to combat side effects and symptoms
  • Real itp stories shared and discussed.
  • Event updates and News from the itp community.
  • Resources and Research sharing, when it becomes available to the public.

Itp and Me is all about committing to raising awareness and living comfortably with ITP.

Itp and me is proudly sponsored by Vision Systems.

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